Identification of the company
Corporate name of the service provider of the information society: Escandinava de Electricidad S.L.U. (Hereinafter the Company)
CIF: B85551273. Registered office: Calle Floridablanca 66 Bajo 9 08015.
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona at Volume 41054, page 54, page B-377318. Email address:
Telephone: 93 184 5583. Fax: 933295775.
Accreditation: Escandinava de Electricidad S.L.U is an operator of the Spanish electricity market authorized to supply electric power and accredited by Red Eléctrica with the code R2-288.
The use of this Web page attributes the condition of User of the same and expresses the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the current General Conditions of the Company.
Online contracting
Once a contract has been signed with the Company, in addition to the condition of User of our website, the condition of Client is also acquired: the relationship with the Company will be governed by the subscribed contract (to which you will always have access) and as User – Client , you will have access to the specific area for Customers through the account, activated with the username and password.
Services provided online
With Scandinavian Electricity S.L.U you can contract the supply of electricity through our Web ,as well as access as User to the client area to view or modify any contract data on the website
The User must know that filling in the form and sending the requested data implies that the information reflected in this notice has been read and accepted expressly and that he grants his unequivocal and express consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the purpose requested.
You can consult our General Conditions in the corresponding section where you can clarify all the doubts regarding the Rights and Obligations between both parties.
Correct use of our website
As a User, you are obliged to make correct, diligent and lawful use of our Website, which means that, among others:
- The website will be used for information about our services and their hiring, and will refrain from any use of the website and / or its contents that is contrary to law, public order, moral or good customs generally accepted.
- When, as User and / or Client of the Company, we are sent any observation, opinion or comment both on our services and on our customer service, either by email or by any other means, we are expressly authorized and Free use of that information or opinion. To protect privacy, these comments will always be published making only reference to the proper name and the population.
- The User shall be liable for any loss or damage of any nature that the Company may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of incorrect use of the Website, a breach of these terms of use or the Law. (By the User) .
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The design of the entire Web page and all the contents (text, graphics, logos, drawings, photographs, software, source code and others) are the exclusive property of the Company, to whom all property rights correspond, to the fullest extent. intellectual and / or industrial rights that derive from them, in all their extension (that is to say, for the entire legal duration of said rights, for a world territorial scope and for all and any exploitation modalities) or, alternatively, they have been duly licensed for exploitation by their legitimate owners. Therefore, exploitation (reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and / or processing, including translation) of all the contents of the Web page object of industrial and intellectual property by any means is strictly prohibited. without prior authorization, granted in writing by the Company. All this, under the civil and penal sanctions provided by current legislation.
Translation of content into Catalan, Swedish and English
The versions of the Web in Catalan, Swedish and English have only an informative effect. In the event of any discrepancy in the content of the Catalan version, in English or in Swedish with the original version in Spanish, the one published in Spanish will always prevail.
Exclusion of responsibility
The Company is not responsible for:
- a) Interruptions, delays or malfunctions of the Web page, as well as any damage that may arise from these, caused by causes beyond its control (including power failures, lack of access to communication networks, hacker attacks, virus or other harmful elements), causes of Force Majeure, or culpable or malicious actions of the User and / or Client;
- b) The damages and losses of any nature derived from the lack of veracity, accuracy, exhaustiveness and / or actuality of the data provided by the User and / or Client;
- c) The damages and losses of any nature derived from the access of the User and / or Client to third party sites to which they may have been sent via links provided on the Web page. The links we provide are intended to inform other sources of information that expand information or data provided on our website and, although we always seek to refer to reliable sources, these sites are the property and responsibility of their respective owners.
The Web has been designed and programmed following the techniques and guidelines of international accessibility, which allows its use by all types of users, including those who suffer some type of disability.
The Company reserves the right to modify the Web page, unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice in the interest of the optimal functioning of the Website. In these cases, it will be published and notified as soon as possible. The operation of the Web page can be interrupted by technical and maintenance work, and users will be informed of it.
Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
All the established conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation. The Company, the User and / or Client, expressly waiving any jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit themselves to the Courts and Courts of the User’s domicile, for any dispute that may arise from the provision of the services object of these General Conditions. Except for those issues in which, by legal imperative, a specific jurisdiction is established for the resolution of conflicts.