10 benefits of renewable energy for the planet

10 benefits of renewable energy

In order to face the climate emergency that our planet is suffering, it is essential that we promote renewable energy together. Changing fossil fuels for a cleaner energy coming from sources such as the sun, wind or water can help us reverse global warming and its serious consequences.

Renewable energy is the energy of the future, but also of the present. It has advantages for the environment, for society and also for the economy. If you are still doubting whether or not switching to green energy, we give you 10 reasons that show the importance of 100% green energy to guarantee a better and cleaner planet. For us and for our children.


Renewable energy…

1.  Is a clean energy that does not pollute the environment and does not have a negative impact on the environment.

2. Helps us reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, such as coal or oil, which release polluting emissions into the atmosphere.

3. Does not generate CO2, which helps to make the air we breathe cleaner. This benefits us all, because we and the planet gain health.

4. Comes from inexhaustible energy sources, such as the sun, the wind, the movement of the waves or the heat of the Earth.

5. Promotes sustainability, helping us advance towards the ecological transition to a more sustainable energy model to fight climate change.

6. Helps save limited natural resources, so that future generations can enjoy them too.

7. Makes us gain energy independence as a country. In Spain we have plenty of sun and we also have great potential for wind and tidal energy. If we promote renewable energy, we can have inexhaustible energy sources.

8. Generates new jobs. Renewable energy helps reduce the unemployment rate and improves the economy.

9. Reduces the cost of electricity production. Technological advances in recent years allow to generate cheaper renewable energy and this can help lower the global cost of energy.

10. Reduces our carbon footprint. For this reason, renewable energy makes us participate in the global fight against climate change.

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As you can see, betting on renewable energy is a 100% smart decision, which benefits us all. At Escandinava de Electricidad we can help you change your electricity. With us you will save on your bill and be part of the revolution towards a greener, cleaner and cheaper energy. Will you join us?

To know more, call us toll-free at 900 373 681 (from Spain) or +34 93 184 55 83 (international number) or send us an email to contacto@escandinavaelectricidad.es.




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“Llevo en Escandinava de Electricidad un año. Estoy muy contento con ellos, recibo todas las facturas por e-mail puntualmente y todas las gestiones las puedo realizar en inglés.”

Stuart, Alicante

“Mi padre es muy mayor y desde que estamos con Escandinava de Electricidad no hemos tenido ningún problema. El personal de atención al cliente es muy atento y nos resuelven cualquier duda en la misma llamada. Gracias por el trato ofrecido a mi padre, desde entonces estoy más tranquila.”

Begoña, Valencia

“He recomendado Escandinava de Electricidad a mis amigos ya que me ahorro un 15% respecto a mi anterior compañía. Las facturas son simples, claras y sin sorpresas. No me han intentado añadir ningún servicio de mantenimiento, cosa que agradezco ya que en las anteriores compañías he tenido este problema.”

Cristina, Madrid

“El cambio a Escandinava de Electricidad fue muy rápido y la chica de atención al cliente me explicó muy bien qué tenía que hacer para cambiarme. Desde que estoy con vosotros he notado un gran ahorro en mi factura de la luz.”

Sara, Barcelona


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